
Posts Tagged ‘Walton Golightly’

Currently Reading…

In Library Day on June 17, 2013 at 7:24 pm

Shaka the Great

This is the latest Home book I’m reading. F bomb in the first sentence. Wowser… We’ll see how it goes and I’ll let you know.

As an aside, the insides of my thumbs are sore from all of the books I’ve been reading lately. They’ve all been kind of beefy books that dig into that spot where my thumb joins my hand. On both hands! I’ve considered wearing my husband’s weight lifting gloves when I read. Do you think that’s too dorky? Ok, then I won’t tell you about the Pivot Tables I’ve made of my TBR list…

Library Day

In Library Day on May 31, 2013 at 12:58 pm

So, it’s been a pretty craptacular week. Nothing specific has happened; it just seems like nothing has gone my way causing frustration upon frustration. Yes, poor me.

The one bright spot in my week was going to be my trip to the library. I can’t begin to tell you how much I love the library. There’s a really nice one which is only a 20 minute walk from work and it’s my favourite place to go during my lunch hour. (Yes, I will walk quite a distance for a good library and no, I don’t go every day.) However, things  at work conspired to keep me from going there until yesterday.

Off I went, a skip in my step, headphones firmly in place as I anticipated the joy I would feel as I entered the building. Alas, it was not meant to be. Books just weren’t leaping off of the shelf at me. I was only able to find four and I wasn’t too excited about them. (I say ‘only’ because I usually bring home 6 -8 and have to ruthlessly decide between which ones must be left behind.) I decided to ask a member of their staff for help on finding one of the books I wanted. That was a mistake. He was really surly and condescending and talked to me as though I had never been to a library before. I’m no library rube! I practically have a cot set up in the sci-fi/fantasy section.

Perhaps I ruined my trip with the negativity I’ve felt all week and should have waited until today to go. (I’m in a much better frame of mind today, you’ll be pleased to know.)

At any rate, here are the four books I found:

Genesis by Karin Slaughter

Life as We Knew it by Susan Beth Pfeffer

Shaka the Great by Walton Golightly

Royal Babylon: The Alarming History of European Royalty by Karl Shaw

I’ve just consulted my TBR list on Goodreads and have discovered, in this very moment, that the Genesis that is on my list is by Bernard Beckett not Karin Slaughter. I’ve picked up the wrong book… I did wonder, yesterday when I was looking at the book, why I had put it on my TBR list. Not that I don’t like thrillers. Who knows? It might be good. I’m actually much more excited about my selection now that I’ve purged the negative thoughts that plagued me for the past four days.

What a week.

Anyway, I will be finishing up at least one of my current books this weekend and will post my thoughts about it on Sunday. Hope to see you then!